No Material Too Big or Too Small

Truck 161 dumping a load of rock near a levee.

M&M Trucking & Reclamation, Inc.'s hauling and rock services provide specialized hauling services to meet the needs of the construction industry and individual home owners in the state of Missouri and the surrounding states. M&M Trucking & Reclamation, Inc.'s specailized equipment enables the company to meet the construction industies ever-changing demands. The units are capable of hauling a wide range of aggregate materials, from small granular size aggregates like sand, to large boulder sized commodities. The equipment is also capable of consistently supplying customers with a large quantity of material no matter where jobs are located in the state.

The equipment allows M&M Trucking & Reclamation, Inc. to meet the ever-changing needs on job sites and for customers. This feature is important because the company is able to haul the materials that are used in levee repair or rail road breaches, and also haul sand or decoration rock to its customers. These units are used for the hauling of a variety of material including recycling material, demoliton material, river rock, gravel, and many other kinds of materials and aggregates.