No Material Too Big or Too Small

Green 2016 Kenworth T880

Demolition of garage

Demolition of a garage building for homeowner consisted of tearing down existing garage & pulling out concrete floors & hauling it off and grading the ground level.

Picture of M&M's Kamatsu Excavator sizing up the garage it's about to tear down. Beginning to take down the garage. Garage completely torn down Picking up left overs of the garage and putting it in a trailer Cleaning up the last of the wood and dumping it in a trailer Breaking up the foundation of the house and putting it in a trailer Flatten and smoothen the dirt where the foundation was by riding over it with the excavator to make it useable for building again.

Metal farm building

Wind damage twisted the metal frame of a building

Demolitioned the building & hauled it away.

Picture of metal farm building torn apart Picture of the metal farm building completely torn down and seperated, being loaded into dump trucks.

Clearing land for farming

Cleaning trees & brush, grading for drainage & seeding.

Picture of M&M Kamatsu Excavator knocking trees over.

Demolition for 3 houses

consisted of loading up & hauling off debrie & building demolition. Removing fencing and large quantities of misc items.

Pulling up foundation, hauling off, brush removal and grading level.

Before and after picture of whole lot where houses were. Two before and after pictures of a couple of the house locations.

Highway Construction

hauling asphalt to construction crews to pave new safer highway.

Finished roadwork picture of Highway 24 in Mid-Missouri.